FFJ Advisor Discussion Series: Jenny Arwade, Interviewed by Manuela Arciniegas
Manuela Arciniegas interviews Jenny Arwade where Jenny talks about how Communities United is changing the narrative of reinvestment, leading the charge on invest/divest strategies and campaigns, and developing sustainable leadership at the helm of the social justice movement.
FFJ Advisor Discussion Series: Charlene Carruthers
We interview Charlene Carruthers (BYP100) where we learn more about BYP100's work on nationalizing the invest/divest demand, Black queer feminist lens as an organizing framework, and the importance of leadership training and political education below.
FFJ Advisor Discussion Series: Mary Hooks
Funders for Justice interviews Mary Hooks, Co-Director of Southerners on New Ground (SONG) and a leader of the National Bail Out. We asked Mary to tell us about a recent win on bail reform with the Atlanta city council, what visionary organizing looks like, and what funders can do in this moment.
FFJ Advisor Blog Series: Zachary Norris
Zachary Norris, the Executive Director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, provides insight on the current political climate, Ella Baker Center's work and connection national movements, and ways funders can support social change and transformation.
Our Work Today: A Statement from FFJ Leadership
It is important for us to understand as funders, that this current backlash by white nationalist is a direct measure of our successes in local communities around the nation. Now more than ever, philanthropy must double down in its support to those explicitly addressing racism, white supremacy, and white nationalism.
Report – Freedom to Thrive: Reimagining Safety & Security in Our Communities
This new report examines the budgets of 12 city and county governments that reveals the extent to which local jurisdictions pour money into policing and incarceration, at the expense of community safety priorities such as infrastructure and social safety net programs.
No Pride in Deportation: From Vice to ICE Toolkit
BreakOUT! and NOWCRJ’s Congress of Day Laborers recently released the Vice to ICE Toolkit, a resource on organizing across intersections of identities, including race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, country of origin, and language.
For Philanthropy, Time to Double Down to End Injustice
Foundations and other nonprofits are grappling with the consequences of change for our collective future, especially as we have witnessed how deep a grip misogyny and racism hold over America. Today, amid a resurgence of hate speech and violence, the work of transforming our broken systems is more urgent than ever. It is imperative that we maintain the momentum of the last few years, trusting our grantees and rejecting calls for micromanagement as a form of risk management.