We Can’t Win a Right To The City Unless #Black Lives Matter
Movements across America confronting the crisis of foreclosure, gentrification and displacement, need to have black leaders who help define the vision for our right to the city.
Urgent Funding Needs and Opportunities
Funding partnership opportunities in Missouri, California, New York and nationally.
Civil Rights Monitor
Leadership Conference Education Fund annual publication that chronicles civil and human rights issues pending before the three branches of government, and other, emerging issues like the potential for big data to supercharge discrimination against disadvantaged communities. The 2015 volume addresses police misconduct.
Arizona Citizens Speak Out Against “Secret Police Bill”
Community leaders and members of the ACLU gathered on the capital lawn this morning to speak out against SB 1445, a controversial bill that "limits the release of the name of a peace officer who is involved in a use of deadly physical force incident for 60 days."
AG Holder announces first six pilot sites for the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice
“The Department of Justice is committed to using innovative strategies to enhance procedural justice, reduce bias and support reconciliation in communities where trust has been eroded,” said Attorney General Holder.
Private University Police Patrol Off-Campus (and Off the Record)
Members of the University of Chicago Police Department carry guns, make arrests, and patrol tens of thousands of residents unaffiliated with the university—but they don’t have to disclose any information about stops, arrests, and policies. Two Illinois Representatives are finally trying to change that.
How White Foundation Leaders Can Promote Racial Justice
The future of our nation depends on our building a society that ensures everyone has an opportunity to thrive, regardless of race. Philanthropy has an important role to play in the coming months and years to help the movement bring about lasting progress.
Solidaire is a community of people with wealth, aligning their resources with movements that promote dignity, justice, and equality.