Has your giving changed because of Ferguson?

We are tracking philanthropy’s response to police violence and the #BlackLivesMatter movement for racial justice around the country through a survey of foundations and affinity groups. We will compile information we've gathered to publish what philanthropic resources have to support Ferguson and related organizing. We'll also connect funders with peers interested in similar funding opportunities.

2015-03-23T05:57:21-04:00February 2, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Has your giving changed because of Ferguson?

Response to Eric Garner’s Case: A Deeper Conversation

We are faced with our system’s criminalization of poverty, severely anemic political participation, geographically segregated neighborhoods, unprecedented levels of economic and wealth inequality, and a heavily militarized police force entrusted with public safety over communities who are met with not only brutality, but with a justice system that is indifferent, neglectful, and even hostile in bringing justice for abuses suffered.

2015-03-25T20:08:31-04:00December 4, 2014|Analysis, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Response to Eric Garner’s Case: A Deeper Conversation

Response to Ferguson: Systemic Problems Require Systemic Solutions

But we also have to acknowledge the deep racial anxiety that leads to escalated violence against communities of color. Recent evidence from neuroscience reveals that many Americans, even those who embrace egalitarian norms, harbor unconscious negative associations with black bodies.

2014-12-22T14:20:33-05:00November 25, 2014|Analysis, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Response to Ferguson: Systemic Problems Require Systemic Solutions
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