Reports from the Movement Strategy Center

The Movement Strategy Center offers a plethora of resources that speak on transformative practices, collective impact, intersecting issues, and building progressive power. Below is a curated list.


Practices of Transformative Movement Building

We need transformative strategies to generate exponential change. But how do we accomplish this? How do we achieve transformation – the exponential shift of reality? Movement Strategy Center defines four elements at the core of transformative movement building: leading with audacious vision and bold purpose; deeply embodying the values at the heart of the vision; building radical and deep community around the vision; and using all of that – vision, embodiment, and connection – to strategically navigate toward the future.

screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-1-27-06-pmMovement Pivots: Five Steps to Collective Impact & Transformative Social Change

Movement Pivots is the first in a series of MSC mini publications called What We’re Learning. Through these papers – each produced in conjunction with a specific movement gathering or action – MSC seeks to name and explore questions and challenges that we are hearing and observing throughout the social justice world. As the title implies, these papers represent “what we’re learning,” offering our words and thoughts to on-going dialogue among partners, allies, and friends we have not yet met.


Executive Summary: Gender Organizing and Movement Building at the Intersection of Environmental Justice and Reproductive Justice

We offer this executive summary as a welcome to all funders and community organizations interested in multi-issue movement building and in elevating the voices of women of color. We are committed to continuing this examination of the intersection of issues as a key strategy in building a movement led by women and girls for social change.

Movement Building and Deep Change: A Call to Mobilize Strong and Weak Ties

We study and practice movement building and are part of a wider community of practice. Below, we share four stories that illustrate what we’re seeing on the ground and talking about in our network. Regardless of the tools we use, what connects and inspires people are stories. Social media platforms offer new ways of engaging and sharing each other’s stories, with organizational stories, with national or global stories — yet they’re no substitute for face-to-face deep community building. Our hope is that these stories and tools are of use to those committed to the deep and high-risk social change that Gladwell rightly calls for. We welcome your comments and encourage you to let us know about other stories, experiences and ideas.


So You Wanna Build a Movement: An Equation for Building Progressive Power

To build an innovative progressive movement and counter the rise of the new right, we must understand four key factors that shape policy and the direction of our society.